Dr. Wang is currently Chief Business Officer, BGI Genomics Co., Ltd. Chief Executive Officer, BGI-LiuHe.
He served as Vice President, BGI; Executive Vice President, BGI Diagnostics; General Manger, BGI-North China right after he joined BGI.
With nearly 20 years of senior executive experience in domestic and foreign companies, Dr. Wang once served as the general manager of Greater China in Bruker Daltonics Inc, a top global manufacturer of bioanalytical instruments.
Before joining Bruker, Dr. Wang worked for Millenium Pharmaceuticals Inc. (USA) as a senior scientist in the field of natural product and combinatorial library screening by high-throughput LC/MS/BioAssay technology. Besides, Dr. Wang held multiple positions in Perseptive Biosystems (acquired by ABI) starting as a senior scientist, then lab manager, and product manager.
Dr. Wang graduated from Shandong University majoring in biology. In 1986, he was chosen as one of the top fifteen students in China who were awarded the scholarship of CUSBMBEA Program–a China-US Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Examination and Application program, through examinations and interviews by the U.S.A top university examination board. Afterwards, he got his PHD of Analytical Biochemistry in Purdue University. Besides, he also received an EMBA from Perking University.
Dr. Wang is currently member of many scientific and commercial associations and has more than 10 scientific publications.